The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.

Norman Cousins, editor, writer

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 im. Wojska Polskiego w Jastrzębiu-Zdróju

Coomb Briggs Primary School - Immingham

Norman Cousins, editor, writer
Welcome to our Erasmus+ website. We hope that this site will give you an insight into our project's activities, communications and practice. Thank you.
The EU funded Erasmus+ Project entitled ‘Euro Trading, Young Entrepreneurs on the Move’ is a two year programme which aims to develop entrepreneurship and creativity. It explores methods and techniques of teaching entrepreneurship at Primary School Level and offers pupils chances to show their creativity by establishing their own Travel Agency.
During the process they become acquainted with their new partner’s cultures and make new friends. Teachers are given the opportunity to explore the issue of entrepreneurship with young learners in cross-curricular ways and online links are made.
The aims of the project include:
• To increase pupil’s design thinking, creative skills, critical thinking and entrepreneurial abilities.
• To help the pupils research, discuss, negotiate and make decisions within groups while creating local products and promote them to their partners.
• To enhance pupil’s ICT skills and offer them opportunities to communicate in the foreign language and to learn about their partner’s cultures and promote their own.
• To connect schools, businesses and partner countries and allow pupils to become more innovative in their local school community.