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Questionnaire 1
Since September 2016 the schools from England, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Greece and Spain are involved in the project “Euro trading, young entrepreneurs on the move”.
According to the timetable the first transnational project meeting was held between 14-th and 18-th November at Coomb Briggs Primary School in Immingham (North-East Lincolnshire) in England.
The aims of the meeting were : The distribution of tasks, establishing the timetable of activities.
Moreover the participants of the meeting took a part in the workshop on teaching Entrepreneurship and Art. They met the staff and the students of the hosting school.
In addition they were received by the authorities of the town oh Immingham.
They explored the English educational system, the local historical monuments.
After the visit the first questionnaire referring the different aspects of the visit vas been held among the participants of the meeting.