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Teachers from Europe exchange good practice in Immingham
November 2016
The Mayor of Immingham Councillor Stewart Swinburn and the Mayoress Karen Swinburn join teachers from Spain, Greece, Germany, Poland and Ireland at Coomb Briggs Primary School in Immingham. The school has taken part in an exchange project which will see teachers from Coomb Briggs heading to other countries to gain teaching experience overseas. The party enjoy a tradtional British feast.
Hosting the visit was Coomb Briggs Primary School. Deputy headteacher Shaun Bell explained that Erasmus+ had replaced
the Comenius project, which was the European Union programme for the schools sector. Teachers have been at the school from partner schools in Ireland, Spain, Greece, Germany and Poland.
He said: "We are looking at enterprise as a project, making things at school for fairs such as calendars and Christmas gifts. We are looking at others teaching and learning and can see good practice from other schools and bring it back to our school. There are 13 teachers in total, this is a three day visit, just to organize the next two years."
"They are looking at our culture and celebrating Immingham," Mr Bell continued."We have taken them on a walk, Immingham-in-Bloom have done us very proud. My son was part of it, he worked on the pond all summer. This is all about coming together and working together. The children see these countries being friends.
Teachers have been in the school showing presentations to the children from their own local areas. The children have asked them questions.
"You get a lot of good practice, some of the teachers at Coomb Briggs will get to visit partner schools. There are five visits over two years and then we get together to conclude it. The children will have Skype and meetings for pen pals. There's a real buzz about the school, it's tremendous.